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5 Ways to Protect Your Computer From Viruses

5 Ways to Protect Your Computer From Viruses

Computer Safety

Did you know that the number of cyberattacks is increasing every day?

Whether you’re a politician or an average joe, anyone can be the target of a malicious cybercrime.

Do you want to know how to protect your computer from virus attacks? Keep reading to learn about 5 ways to keep your Mac or PC safe.

1. Create a Strong Password

You’d be surprised how many people use ‘password1’ or another weak phrase as their password. It’s important to create a password that’s as strong as possible.

The best password will be comprised of lowercase and uppercase letters, non-sequential numbers, at least one symbol, and around 7 characters or more.

If you want to know how to protect your computer from a computer virus, keep in mind that you shouldn’t use the same password for every device and account you have.

2. Identify and Report Phishing Scams

If you’re a student studying by using a TSI practice test, the last thing you’d want is to lose access to your computer. This is why it’s important to be able to identify phishing scams in your email inbox.

Pay close attention to the email address. If its over-complicated, has misspellings, or even weird symbols, then those are red flags. Many phishing scams will try to act like an ’emergency’ is happening, such as the cancellation of your Netflix subscription or Paypal account.

You should never sign into any account after clicking a link within an email. Rather, you must visit a website by typing the URL yourself. This is how to protect your computer from viruses and spyware.

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3. Use Virus Protection Software

If you’re on a tight budget, you’ll be glad to know that free computer virus protection can block and quarantine most viruses and infected files. It’s a huge risk to surf the web without any software protection at all, so it’s important to have at least a free program, such as AVG.

However, it should come as no surprise that the best computer virus protection won’t be free. Having full protection is worth the investment.

4. Don’t Wait to Update

Updating various programs and software can be annoying at times, but it’s an important step to protecting your computer.

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When using an outdated application, for instance, a hacker can easily slip through the cracks that an update could have fixed. With this in mind, it’s best to always get an update as soon as it’s available.

5. Get a VPN

Your wireless connection is open to attack from just about anyone. However, if you use a VPN (virtual private network), then you can hide your wireless traffic from potential cybercriminals.

Simply put, you shouldn’t surf the web without a VPN.

Now You Know How to Protect Your Computer From Virus Attacks

Now that you’ve learned how to protect your computer from virus attacks, you can make sure your sensitive data is kept safe.

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